Fiore dei Liberi: Flos Duellatorum, 1410 (Pisani-Dossi, F. Novati, Bergamo, 1902) |
4 spada longa - longsword |
4.2 gioco sença arme (unarmoured plays) |
4.2.1 gioco largo in punta di spada incrosar (long play with crossing point of sword) |
Per incrosar cum ti a punta de spada De l'altra parte la punta in lo petto t'ò fermada Per lo ferir che dise el magistro ch'e denançi posto |
For crossing the point of the sword with you From the other side the point will mark in your breast For the master which himself causes a guard of crossing points of the sword |
Synopsis: This section of Fiore's treatise now begins the coverage of gioco largo plays with the longsword. The first play depicts both masters with swords crossing on the foible of the swords. This is an archetype position which creates a thread for the additional plays which follow. The first couplet appears to indicate that achieving such a crossing of the blades, that this presents an opportunity for the wielder to strike towards the throat of the zugadore as alluded to in the second line of the first couplet.
The second illustration depicts the execution of the strike to the throat by the scholar (now wearing a garter below his right knee). The first line of the second couplet implies that the scholar has invoked the crossing of the blades, meaning that this execution was not passive but rather offensive and the zugadore had to respond by crossing the blades to prevent incurring injury. The second line of the second couplet clearly indicates that the scholar having the upper hand in this exchange (or at the minimum, a plan) quickly transforms the inbound strike which created a crossing into a thrust to the chest of the zugadore.
Practical Application: Regardless how one begins with the exchange, the crossing of the blades, in this case, at the foible is a classic structure which should be recognized by any and all fencers. The recognition of this instance, or the creation of this crossing by the fencer will provide opportunities to strike towards the zugadore with a thrust to the throat. The scholar depicted is illustrated as delivered a posta longa form of strike to the throat, immediately transforming the crossing of the blades into an offensive thrust to the throat. The scholar most likely invoked the crossing with a threatening posta, however, referring to the illustration, he has not moved his feet, meaning the zugadore responded with a cut, most likely a fendente style of cut, thus contributing to the intended crossing of the blades and the scholar, without stepping, delivers a thrust to the throat. This is entirely possible by the fact that the zugadore had taken a step and therefore, has become in distance allowing a stabile thrust to the throat. Practially, it would be prudent to take a small traverse step off-line while delivering the thrust to the throat.
Fiore de' Liberi | 1410 | posta longa (the long guard) |