
resources : online library : 11-14th Century Sources

11-14th Centuries15th Century16th Century17th Century18th Century19th Century20th Century21st Century
Sample Image Special Links Author, Year, "Title" - Source
  Bishop Odo?, c1066, "Bayeux Tapestry" - Centre Guillaume le Conquérant
Tapisserie de Bayeux - Centre Guillaume le Conquérant - The Bayeux Tapestry (actually an embroidery measuring over 230 feet long and 20 inches wide, embroidered in worsteds of eight colors in couching and stem stitch) describes the Norman invasion of England and the events that led up to it. It is believed that the Tapestry was commissioned by Bishop Odo, bishop of Bayeux and the half-brother of William the Conqueror. The Tapestry contains hundreds of images divided into scenes each describing a particular event.
- released October 20, 2000
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  Bayeux Tapestry
  Parisian artists, c1250, "Maciejowski Bible" - The Pierpont Morgan Library
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Old Testament Miniatures, The Pierpont Morgan Library & George Braziller, Inc., NY. September 1969. - Parisian artists around 1250, live through their work - the beautifully drawn, vigorous figures and skillful expression of human emotion and conquest, illustrats in detail, costume, armour and background detail of the period. 96 coloured plates along with textual descriptions accompanying each plate provides probably the best representation of the period available today.
- restricted access to AEMMA internally only (November 29, 2001)
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  Unknown, c1280, "I.33" - Tower of London, UK
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Tower Fechtbuch I.33 (c1280). London, British Museum - This remarkable manuscript, simply entitled "I.33" is comprised of 32 pages consisting of over a hundred ink-and-watercolour drawings, accompanied with Latin text describing the technique of sword & buckler combat. The original author is unknown to this day and the date of the manuscript is still in question, however, it has been dated to the late 13th century, and identified its owner as the secretary of Bishop of Würzburg. View another online version of the I.33 hosted by a Czech Republic organization, Freywild.
- public domain material released October 18, 1999
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  I.33 Tower Fechtbuch
  Manesse et al, c1300-1315, "Die Manessesche Liederhandschrift" - Universitätsbibliothek, Heidelberg
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Universitätsbibliothek, Heidelberg, MS Cod. pal. Germ 848 - Die Manessesche Liederhandschrift or "Manesse Song Handwriting" was created between 1300 and 1315 by a group of four (4) artists and their assistants in the area of Zurich, Switzerland which now resides at the Universitätsbibliothek, Heidelberg in Germany. The 137 paintings depict the attributes of normal, everyday life of the period, that included work, play and battle. It also provides some clues of tournaments, the attitudes of the spectators and the manner in which tournaments were held. Interesting aspects of a number of plates is their similarity to the I.33 illustrations.
- released February 06, 2001
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  entitled Die Manessesche Liederhandschrift

  1. fechtbuch n German word for "fight book".
  2. WMA = Western Martial Arts.
  3. The AEMMA shield visible in some of the entries above indicates a resource that has restricted access to AEMMA internal only for research and study, and is not available for viewing in the public domain. This is due to the fact that permission to release the material into the public domain from the source was not granted.
  4. Some of the online manuscripts have an audio component indicated by the speaker icon situated next to the country flag on the library listings.