Location of the Toronto Salle d'Armes
The location for training is located at 1233R Queen St W
Toronto, ON Canada M6K 1L5, just east of Dufferin St. on Queen St.
Getting there by car and parking:
- From the west, take the Gardner Expressway eastbound and take the Jameson Ave. cut-off, north on Jameson to King St. W, and turn right.
- Continue on King St. W until Elm Grove Ave, turn left and continue north to Milky Way, and turn right. The building will be on the left.
- From the east, take the Gardner Expressway westbound and take the Dunn Ave. cut-off, north on Dunn Ave. to King St. W, and turn right.
- Continue on King St. W until Elm Grove Ave, turn left and continue north to Milky Way, and turn right. The building will be on the left.